Trigger Power Automate from Smart Flows

This section explains how we can trigger a Microsoft Power Automate flow from Experlogix Smart Flows. A practical scenario would be to save data back in Microsoft Dynamic 365 CE. In most cases, the data to save back in Microsoft Dynamic 365 CE comes from a Smart Form or custom Data Set.


  • Access to Microsoft Power Automate.
  • Have a Smart Flow already created.
1. In Power Automate, create a new Instant cloud flow.
2. As a trigger, select When a HTTP requested is received.
3. In the When a HTTP request is received trigger, use the Use sample payload to generate schema option to create the JSON body. You'll need to provide a sample JSON payload in that process, see below for details.

For instance, if you want to update the description of an account, the JSON payload could be something like this:

  "account": {
    "id": "",
    "description": "Test YM"

By using the 'Generate from sample', the sample JSON payload will be wrapped and look like this:

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "account": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "id": {
          "type": "string"
        "description": {
          "type": "string"

You'll notice that the HTTP POST URL is empty at this point. It is automatically generated after you save the flow.

The best way to update a record in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE is to use the Common Data Service action.

4. Select on + New Step to add a new step.
5. Search for and select the Update a record action.

6. On the Update a record action, configure the following parameters.
6.1. Select an environment.
6.2. Specify the Entity Name (i.e., Accounts).
6.3. Set the Record Identifier.

In our example, the id comes from our JSON payload, and we'll use dynamic content to set it.

7. Update any fields in the account. For each field, use Dynamic Content from the JSON payload to map the parameters.

8. Select the Save button to save your flow.
9. After you save the flow, go back to the first step and copy the auto-generated URL. You'll need it later.

Example URL:

Example Base Path: "

10. In the Smart Flows Project Console, create a new HTTP(s) connector. For the base path, set it using the first part of the URL grabbed in the previous step.
11. Set the Authentication type to None.
12. Leave the other values empty.
13. Save the HTTP connector in Smart Flows.
14. In your flow in Smart Flows, add an HTTP request with HTTP Connector flow block.
15. Configure the flow block to use the HTTP connector you created.
15.1. For the Path attribute, copy the remaining portion of the URL (i.e., starting at "/workflows/......").
15.2. Set the Method as POST.
15.3. For the Post Body, add a JSON payload. You can use the linked field to dynamically set values from any data set.

16. Save your flow in Smart Flows.

Congratulations, you’ve configured the system so that each time the flow executes in Smart Flows, the system performs an HTTP request to Power Automate.